Teaching Experience
Teaching materials (example syllabi & Canvas course creation) available upon request.
Courses Taught
Classifying Religion: Definitions and Debates, Institut für Religionswissenschaft, Leibniz University Hannover, Summer 2025
Co-taught - REL 209: History of Religions in America, Department of Religion, Emory University, Fall 2018
Independently prepared 3 weeks of the syllabus
Taught my portion of the syllabus which covered the history of US immigration, identity construction, and boundary formation
Courses Assisted
HC 505: History of Christianity in America, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Spring 2019
Taught one class on Catholic immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Administered a writing workshop for students
REL 270: Sacred Drugs, Department of Religion, Emory University, Spring 2018
REL 322: Religion and Sexuality, Department of Religion, Emory University, Fall 2017
RLST 1620: Rel. Dimensions of Human Experience, Dept. of Religious Studies, CU Boulder, Spring 2016 & Fall 2015
RLST 2400: Religion and Contemporary Society, Dept. of Religious Studies, CU Boulder, Spring 2015
RLST 2700: American Indian Religious Traditions, Dept. of Religious Studies, CU Boulder, Fall 2014
Online Courses Assisted
REL 209: History of Religions in America, Department of Religion, Emory University, Summer 2018
RLST 2400: Religion and Contemporary Society, CU Boulder, Fall 2016, Summer 2016, Spring 2016, & Summer 2015
Guest Lectures
“Manufacturing ‘American Islam’: On Inclusivity and Domesticating ‘the Other’”
Guest lecture for the “Religion in the Public Sphere: Topics, Theories, and Methods” MA Seminar taught by Dr. Steffen Führding & Dr. Ingo Bultmann, Institute for the Study of Religion, Leibniz University Hannover, Dec. 2024
“‘Translating Difference’ and Thesis Proposal Writing”
Presentation/discussion for MA Colloquium Seminar taught by Prof. Dr. Wanda Alberts & Dr. Ingo Bultmann, Institute for the Study of Religion, Leibniz University Hannover, Apr. 2024
“Regimes of Belief”
Guest lecture for RELI 101: Introduction to Religious Studies taught by Prof. Israel L. Domínguez, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Aug. 2021
“Immigration and American Catholicism”
Guest lecture for HC 505: History of Christianity in America taught by Dr. Helen Jin Kim, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Feb. 2019
“What Makes Yoga Religious?: On Definitions and Classification”
Guest lecture for RLST 2400: Religion in Contemporary Society taught by Dr. Lucas Carmichael, Dept. of Religious Studies, CU Boulder, Nov. 2015
Teacher Training
Teaching, Pedagogy, Curriculum, & Research Seminar (TPC+R), Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, Spring 2018
Teaching Assistant Training and Teaching Opportunity Program (TATTO), Laney Graduate School, Emory University, Fall 2017-Spring 2019