Teaching materials (example syllabi & course creation) available upon request.
Teaching Experience
Co-taught Courses
REL 209: History of Religions in America, Department of Religion, Emory University, Fall 2018
Independently prepared 3 weeks of the syllabus
Taught my portion of the syllabus which covered the history of US immigration, identity construction, and boundary formation
Courses Assisted
HC 505: History of Christianity in America, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Spring 2019
Taught one class on Catholic immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Administered a writing workshop for students
REL 270: Sacred Drugs, Department of Religion, Emory University, Spring 2018
REL 322: Religion and Sexuality, Department of Religion, Emory University, Fall 2017
RLST 1620: Rel. Dimensions of Human Experience, Dept. of Religious Studies, CU Boulder, Spring 2016 & Fall 2015
RLST 2400: Religion and Contemporary Society, Dept. of Religious Studies, CU Boulder, Spring 2015
RLST 2700: American Indian Religious Traditions, Dept. of Religious Studies, CU Boulder, Fall 2014
Online Courses Assisted
REL 209: History of Religions in America, Department of Religion, Emory University, Summer 2018
RLST 2400: Religion and Contemporary Society, CU Boulder, Fall 2016, Summer 2016, Spring 2016, & Summer 2015
Teacher Training
Teaching, Pedagogy, Curriculum, & Research Seminar (TPC+R), Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, Spring 2018
Teaching Assistant Training and Teaching Opportunity Program (TATTO), Laney Graduate School, Emory University, Fall 2017-Spring 2019